A standard deck, jokers included, is a dungeon. Shuffle the deck and draw 4 cards, display them before you, this is a room. A room ends when all the cards are folded.
♦ Diamonds are shields♥ ︎Hearts arepotions
♠ Spades are monsters
♣ ︎Clubs and Jokers are also monsters
♥︎ Potions
You begin with a max of 21 health points and can never go above. You can only drink one potion at a time, taking another will make you sick and result in no extra healing. Potions are equal to their value and face cards (J,Q,K,A) each are equal to 11.
♦ Shield Cards
Equipping a shield allows you to absorb the damage difference from a monster value. Shields can only defend monsters in descending value and if you use a shield on a monster with higher or equal value to the previous, it will break.
If you have an 8 shield equipped, by attacking a 9 monster you suffer 1 damage.Broken shields leave you unarmored, and you take full damage. A shield card will replace a previously folded shield card. Shields are equal to their value and face cards(J,Q,K,A) each are equal to 11.
♣♠ Monster Cards
Monster cards are equal to their value, and face cards are as follows J is 11, Q is 13, K is 15, A is 17; Jokers are both equal to 21.
Running away
Once you have dealt with at least 3 cards, you can move onto the next room(set of 4 cards), moving the remainder card to the bottom of the deck. You can run away from a room you have not interacted with, once in a row.
Example Play
<b data-redactor-tag="b">Room 1</b> 7♦ Q♥︎ 10♠ J♣︎_ Equip the 7♦ shield.
_ Battle the J♣ ; 11-7 = 4 lost HP
_ Battle the 10♠ ; 10-7 = 3 lost HP
_ Drink the Q♥︎ ; 14+11 = 21 max HP
<b>Room 2</b> A♦ K♦ K♣︎ 9♥︎
_ Equip the K♦, replacing 7♦
_ Battle the K♣︎ ; 15-11 = 4 lost HP
_ Drink the 9♥︎ ; 17+9 = 21 max HP
_ Run away, return A♦
<b>Room 3</b> A♣︎ J♣︎ 10♦ 6♠
_ Continue making your way through the deck
_ until all cards used, and all enemies defeated.