Hey guys; was looking for a relevant place to post this, but didn't see one. I have some questions on controls and their customization.
First, I am predominantly using keyboard; I haven't tried a controller yet, though I am presuming the game detects a controller. That said, I am mostly using WS and the arrow keys (only just discovering today that the left and right hand side of the letters on the keyboard function as well). I am wondering if there will be an option to turn off extra keys. I know it's my own failing, but the switch to the TumbleSeed control scheme is like the backward brain bike:
It takes some time to get used to, but until then it gets a bit flaily and when i am in a panic, I press extra buttons and I didn't think it was an issue until I accidentally got myself killed because I was holding down A thinking it wouldn't do anything.
Second, I found an aura that told me to spend it (to get random items). No idea how to do that.
Thirdly, there are a some offensive seed types that sound like they have ways to control them, but no idea how to control them based on the text like "planted pads" (thought from what i understand, the pistol aims away, but I only just read that and it not seen it in action)
Would definitely like some help; thanks!