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First, I am predominantly using keyboard; I haven't tried a controller yet, though I am presuming the game detects a controller

The backwards bike thing is a great description! Yeah, we generally recommend new players play with a controller since that seems to hook more directly into their brain (up on the stick means up, down means down, there's two sides, got it). This is definitely a hump to get over for getting into TS. Interesting point on the extra buttons -- something we'll definitely think about.

Second, I found an aura that told me to spend it (to get random items). No idea how to do that.

Yeah, that one is unfortunately broken right now I think :(

Thirdly, there are a some offensive seed types that sound like they have ways to control them, but no idea how to control them based on the text like "planted pads"

Most seed types you can't control, but if you can they aim away from the seed's position. We're definitely thinking about good ways to describe this aspect of certain seeds, since it's not something covered in any descriptions right now.

Apologies for the slow reply -- we've all been a little scattered with the holidays. Happy new year, and let us know if you have any other questions!

No worries on the slow responses (I'll admit I'm not as attemtive to the forums as I want to be); I appreciate the answers. I just tried playing with a controller and it definitely syncs up the with what my brain intends a bit better. My hypothesis is that while using a keyboard i am using 2 fingers on each hand to hit up and down, while a controller uses only one finger from each hand. I found on multiple occasions that using a keyboard resulted in both my fingers pressing (and thus doing nothing) because my brain knew that it needed to do something, but pushing a button down wasn't quite connected with the result onscreen.

Ah yeah totally! I usually use one finger on each side when using the keyboard which helps a *ton*. This sort of thing is what makes Spelunky unplayable for me on the keyboard XD