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[Artist] 2D Artist available for work!

A topic by bird created Jul 29, 2019 Views: 433 Replies: 4
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Hello, I'm cae! I'm currently looking for any sort of paid work as an artist. I mainly specialize in character art, but I do occasionally do larger compositions and illustrations. I program a bit too.

I highly prefer upfront/wage work. Rev-share may be considered, but I do not work for free. I also ask that people be interested have serious projects in mind with full intent on completion. Thank you for understanding!

My portfolio is here, but I'll insert a few samples here for convenience. (My twitter also has a bit more art available!)

If interested, please email me at! Thank you!

Hey, have you any experience in isometric artwork? I'm looking at creating a 2.5d MMORPG and am sourcing a artist to do create the small starting area which will consist of water, sand, grass, trees, paths, a small jetty and 4 tent style huts.

Are you looking for pixel tilework/assets? Because that would be no problem, as long as you provide a map layout (I'm not a map designer). I'm less confident about like non-pixel graphics for that sort of thing though, hope you understand T___T

can you do 8bit, pixel art style character? And can you also do pixel, 8 bit tilesets? If you can, feel free to add my discord mastermc0907#6599

hi i am developing a game that it has like a 25% done is a pixel art hack and slash and we need a pixel artis 125x125 of canvas if you can animate better also here is my discord if you want to know more   kturrito#4655