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Let Nature Flow from your Brush · By PixelForest

Ability to proportionally scale?

A topic by Mooglemuffins created Jul 02, 2019 Views: 331 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

Hey all! Just got Flowscape to make D&D maps and it's great. I did have one question though, not sure if this is in there already or if this would be a future suggestion but I wish there was a way to proportionally scale stuff. I started building a map of Phandalin and then realized partway through I made everything too big and I was going to run out of space on the map and needed to scale all the buildings I put in down to work better with the map size. However with the scale sliders I have those to adjust but I have to do each individually. Is there a hotkey to scale propotionally? If there isn't right now, here's an example. In Adobe programs if you're dragging to scale you can hold things like shift to scale proportionally or alt to scale from the center if that could be added in here for easy rescaling of stuff that would be awesome :D

Edit: As a sidenote is there a smoothing function? Sometimes with sculpting and the available brush sizes stuff just gets out of wack and I can't seem to find a way to smooth the jaggies out.


Check out the Help button, question mark at top left

Im looking into smoothing at the moment, to see what i can do.


(2 edits)

Ah great, thanks for that! Glad to hear smoothing is being looked into. I've got stuff placed in the right spot but the ground is all wacky in some parts due to the sculpt brush so smoothing would be awesome.

Is there a brush size option hiding somewhere for the new road painting that you added in 1.3? I didn't see a slider for control of that and the default makes path making tricky when the brush is three times the size I need it to be :D


Yeah im working on getting some consistency happening across everything, but for now its use the scroll wheel.

Just a note, i have a bug where the path isnt saving, i almost have it fixed :)

Woohoo! Squash those bugs :)