After two years of working on this game on-and-off in my spare time, I have finally completed it.
Ix and the Dark Mage started life as a prototype to see how easy it would be to create something that had a feel a bit like Legend of Zelda (the original). I may, or may not, have achieved this - it will be up to you to decide.
Mordeth the Dark Mage and his three witch-sisters have claimed dominion over the free kingdoms of all races. From his citadel in the Goblin lands Mordeth readies himself to conquer all those that would dare face him.
But it is not the great Knights, Kings, or Queens that would stand against this darkness. It is a lowly Goblin warrior, Ix, that steels himself and prepares to venture forth to challenge the Dark Mage and his kin.
The game is available for free, or for a donation if you would like to support my game development.