Rare Race: powerful races with a lower chance of appearing in the shop or as invaders. I'd recommend that they only start showing up once the player starts encountering invaders at level 250 or higher, with THAT being their baseline encounter level. They each come with unique rare traits that they ALWAYS come with.
Rare Traits: Traits unique to Rare Races that can only be unlocked for your NPCs if you've already captured or eliminated a member of the race the trait is from (essentially you have to EARN these traits, they won't be granted randomly before you beat someone who has them).
Succubus: Has large wings (grants them increased evasion in combat), long slender tail, unique horns, Has a possible Breast and of Butt size beyond Huge (the ones who have this probably won't be able to fit clothes on those areas.
Rare Trait: Lust Drainer: Succubi will level up if the person they're interacting with, may it be in battle or in the dungeon, "finishes". If in battle (since the benefits of a level up can't exactly be utilized) the Succubus gains a temporary Buff to stats for the remainder of the battle.
Lamia: Has the bottom half of a snake (leads to having no legs and a VERY large tail), has a bit of scales around the body and face, but still has the upper half of a human. (Their snake half could give them a unique attack that allows them to constrict an opponent and deal DOT to them).
Rare Trait: Devourer: Lamia's can vore a target, may it be in combat or in the dungeon. As an attack, it's a one-shot, however, the higher the enemy's level from the caster, the lower the chance of success. If an invading Lamia vores one of your NPCs, you CAN save them by defeating the Lamia (via capturing them or eliminating them). If the invading Lamia escapes with an NPC inside, then the NPC is lost. Devourer, also grants a vore interaction in the dungeon (like any other NSFW interaction, you pick another NPC for the devourer to perform on). Once an NPC is consumed, you will be given the option to let the Lamia digest the NPC (option not available if the player character is consumed. We don't want to soft lock anyone). If an NPC or invader is digested, the devourer will gain 50% of that character's XP and that NPC/Invader will be deleted.
Arachne: Has the bottom half of a MASSIVE spider, has four coloured eyes, has fangs and a bit of carapassing on the human half, but the upper half is indeed human. (their spider half could grant them unique attacks, such as webbing, that stuns the enemy for a number of turns). They're also immune to vore due to their size.
Rare Trait: Life drainer: If an Arachne eliminates an enemy (they HAVE to do it themselves, if the enemy is KOed by a bomb, it doesn't count), then they will gain 30% of the enemy's XP.
Centaur: Has the bottom half of a horse (grants them increased speed and evasion in combat), has horse ears, upper half is very much human. They're immune to vore due to their size.
Rare Trait: Free Spirit: Centaurs are completely immune to any and all mind based attacks (the enemy can't break their mind), and they're immune to stun.
Fairy: Are always petite in size, has large fairy wings (grants them increased evasion), has antennae (due to their magical nature, they could have some unique magic attacks such as fairy dust to put enemies to sleep).
Rare Trait: Pacifist: Increases bonds of friendship with other NPCs quickly. If an invader has defeated other NPCs before encountering a fairy, the fairy will gain a buff for every ally the invader had defeated for the duration of the encounter. If a fairy captures an invader instead of eliminating them, the fairy will level up. (fairies are probably the weakest as invaders out of the Rare Races due to them needing allies and friendship to truly pop off. However, if in an update where invaders can appear in GROUPS, then the fairies become a threat that you'll want to eliminate first).
Demons: Has large wings (grants them increase evasion), has a large tail, has large horns, are very tall (could probably have some unique fire or dark magic based attacks).
Rare Trait: Pure Evil: Gains strength the more people around them suffer. They will gain a temporary buff if an enemy is mind broken in combat. Demons will gain a level for each person who loathes you in the dungeon every week. Demons will NEVER come back traumatized from exploring the outside world.
Angels: Has large wings (grants increased evasion in combat), has a halo, has glowing eyes (could probably have some unique holy attacks and healing magic).
Rare Trait: Pure Good: Gains strength the more people around them prosper. Angels can purify Zombies, bringing them back to life in their original form (removing the zombie and mindless traits). Angels will gain a level for every person who worships you in the dungeon every week. Any person they bring to the dungeon will immediately love you rather than starting off hating you (the angel convinced them to come rather than kidnapping them).
Dragons: (with these you could either go down the humanoid or furry route when it comes to their design. If the furry one is chosen, then they'd just have an elongated dragon snout on top of their other regular bodily traits) Has large wings (grants increased evasion in combat), has large horns, has a very large tail, are VERY tall (could probably have some unique fire breath attacks).
Rare Trait: Hoarder: Dragons LOVE gold, and they want it. As an invader, they will take an absolute truckload of gold from you (you do NOT want these guys to get away). As an NPC, they will gain a level for every gold mine you have in the dungeon every week and will gain additional XP the more gold you posses in storage every week. Dragons will also gain a temporary buff, the more gold an invader has stolen if they encounter them.
Ogres: Absolute units, Extremely tall and wide, the chunkiest of races. Not really known for their looks, having an underbite and a big belly. However, they hit like a truck with their physical attacks. Unfortunately, they're more vulnerable to mind based attacks.
Rare Trait: Glutton: Ogres LOVE to eat and will level up every time they're completely full from a meal. However, they also get hungry FASTER than other races, so you need to keep on top of their need to feed. However, if an Ogre is starving, they will get hangry and will gain a buff in combat, so long as they're hungry. However, when hangry they may also DISOBEY orders in combat and may choose skills at random without your input.
If your took the time to read this, thank you. I hope this can be of some help to the dev and provide some inspiration (they're also free for the dev to use, I put these ideas out their because I'd like to see them in the game). If you guys have any ideas of your own that you'd like to add on, put them in the replies of this thread. Have a wonderful day everyone.