Hi everyone,
Today i have finished the page for my game on itch.io. I have been working on this game for quite some time now, since 2012, and im still creating new content for this strategic browser game. In April 2019 i have released a major update with quite some changes.
Link to the game: https://bruggelr.itch.io/the-outbreak/devlog/81306/the-outbreak-game
The Outbreak is a strategic mulitplayer roleplaying game, you act as mayor of a town in a post-apocalyptic world. You can build, trade and wage war with other players. Action in the game work on a realtime basis, building or executing operation are done instantly. Other action take time, like getting resources or moving convoys. Each hour the game gets updated and a week passes, you receive new resources and convoys are moved.
At this moment there are 3 different areas you can play in. Area 1 goes on unlimited and is aimed to get to familiar with the basics of the game.
Area 2 and 3 are reset every two months, to give all players a equal start again. Each round prices are given to the top 3 players of that round.
I hope this will give everyone enough information to start with. Feel free to leave comments here or contact me at info@the-outbreak.com if you have any questions or feedback. It will be much appreciated.
I hope everyone who is willing to try out the game will enjoy my creation :)