Hey, I like it a lot, it's very strange and surreal. I can see how this is a natural extension of your other "wonky 3D" work.
I love the overall graphical style, and I really like the UI that pops up when you approach and click on a bookcase. The only issue is that I had no desire to use it after playing with it for a few moments, because all the text is clearly garbage.
What if some NPCs discover books with sections that are not gibberish, and they tell you and their followers about them? eg. "I was on floor 325, in room C, and in the left hand bookshelf in the middle of the top shelf was a book with an actual phrase on page 12!" and then you go there and the book says, on page 12, "Be not afraid" or something. Or, I suppose NPCs could hide things in the pages of books, like messages they write each other. I just think this mechanic is really cool and should actually matter.
I also think the walk speed is kind of fast, and it feels odd that you can jump into the hole but not fall through it. You should either make it impossible to get inside the boundary of a hole, or you should allow players to fall if they are able to do that.