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FAQ 0.1.1 Locked

A topic by Dasius created Apr 01, 2019 Views: 2,162
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Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Hey Blacksmiths,

I would like to try and address some of the issues popping up with the new build. I would encourage anyone having issues to visit our discord community, where you can get live help with any of your issues. Now onto the FAQ.


Issue 1: Character stuck not moving at all when loading into a new game.

Solution 1: This solution was discovered by users on Discord. Delete your %localappdata% -> Shopsim -> saved files. The game now saves in your game folder but it seems  the game still has a reference to the old location. 

Solution 2: Disable Steam VR also seems to fix the issue with spawning in the ground.


Issue2: All my items are being duplicated.

Solution: We'll try to get a patch out asap. For the time being throw any excess in the furnace