Hello, i own a 3d printer but i do not have great modeling or sculpting skills. I am hoping to start making money with 3d printing but i need a partner who can create models.
The process
Step 1
selecting a contest on various 3d platforms.
step 2
coming up with a feasible idea for contest entry
Step 3
you would design the first iteration of the idea
step 4
i would take those iteration and figure out the best way to print the model which may require making some adjustments since a model made for 3d printing will have some limitations. Therefore i will send back any adjustments that need to be made
step 5
adjustments are made i will handle 3d printing, documentation, and upload.
We would share any prize received but my true intent is to start a community for licensing out 3d models for others to sell. of course we would share the profits for that as well.