Synopsis of story: Siblings Vxid and Latrodectus embark on a perilous mission to unlock the mysterious power of the Void. Vxid, a succubus in disguise working as a bartender at a nightclub, and her brother Latrodectus, a cunning spider demon lord, must navigate a world of dark magic, secret societies, and relentless enemies. Their sibling bond drives their journey, but the choices they make will shape the future of both the human and demon realms.
Veil of the Void blends narrative-rich visual novel storytelling with dynamic RPG elements. Players follow Vxid’s perspective to uncover the story’s secrets, while Latrodectus steps in for intense exploration and combat sequences. With branching paths, real-time combat, and puzzle-solving challenges, this 15-hour experience offers multiple endings that depend on player choices.
We’re actively developing Veil of the Void and seeking talented developers to bring this dark fantasy world to life.
- Programmers (We are using Ren'Py)
- 2D Artists (Sprites and background)
- Writers
- Sound Designers
- UI Designers
- Voice Actors
Let me know if you're interested! Anyone is welcome!!!!