Hello guys!
I've come to announce my latest project, it's a horra power to publish it here at Itch.io. I'm working on other projects, hopefully also making it available here soon.
In this post I want to talk about the Neon Tower Defense, still in development, with an end scheduled for July 2019.
Well, the game is set in an environment full of lights, with weapons and Neon effects. Currently we have two phases available, and the second will have new enemies. The entire project is being based on great Tower Defense games, however, I'm taking painstaking work to add new details and create innovative elements in this style of play.
All feedback is very welcome, they will be used to polish the project, make improvements and implement new features.
Game Page: https://gunnercorrea.itch.io/neon-tower-defense
Group no Discord: https://discord.gg/kDQrkJY