Human-Hunter-Monster-Cannibal is now available!
The prototype of Human-Hunter-Monster-Cannibal, Printer-Friendly Edition, is launched, exclusively on!
(Gosh, that's a mouthful. How about "HHMC"? Bo-ring! "Our printable Cannibal Game"? I'll take it!)
Our printable Cannibal Game is a gothic trick-taking game for 2-5 Humans. Each card has unique, high-contrast art by international artist Karen Blanchet, perfect for you and your colourblind friends! Featuring Monsters from cultures all around the world!
Download the greyscale rulebook for free at !
Your decide who goes and who stays in an isolated Village caught in the throes of its spring festival. Phase One: Have your best citizens throw the best parties and draw more Humans to your Village! Avoid or kill the Monsters that sneak in, amidst the Conjunction.
When Phase Two hits, all manner of horrors break out! Set your Monsters loose upon your neighbours as you can. Hope to survive and thrive the fall of darkness and score the best Village in the region!
Get your copy today!
Buy our printable Cannibal Game and get access to more than 100 original cards (tokens included!) and a full-colour 20-page rulebook. Everything you need to play!
Our Printable Cannibal Game is currently in its prototype phase. We expect to update to full-version in November/December after the Kickstarter for the physical edition (coming September 2024!).