115 UI sound effects designed for the style of simple/casual games.
This asset is a collection of 115 UI sound effects, created for simple and casual games looking for a fun and uplifting sound. It's now available here on Itch.io and ready to be used in your projects.
It includes sounds for:
- Buttons
- Checkboxes
- Coins - for UI coin icons
- Cursors
- Level event screens - level complete / level lost
- Level stars - for level event screens
- Menus - opening and closing / list scroll / sliders / option invalid and sucess
- Message boxes
- New item screens - for special item unlocked / lost / opening
- Notifications - information / error / sucess
Buy it now and give a fun sound for your games:
Here's a short video showcasing what's included:
Feel free to ask me any questions about this asset if you need help.