I'm documenting the process of my game development for a game that does not yet have a project page on Itch.io. Accordingly, I thought I would use the Blog/Posts feature to do this. Unfortunately, today's post does not want to work. When trying to save (whether to publish it or not) I just get the "We're having server trouble right now, please try again later." message pop up.
When I looked in my browser console, I see that the message from the server is actually Error 413 Content Too Large. Looking at some stuff, I think the reason is that I have 7 images of various sizes that I had copy/pasted into the body of the post. Since I did them as a copy/paste, I did not use the image selector tool, which I can now see limits images to 3MB size.
My question is twofold:
1. Am I correct that the image sizes is likely the culprit here? Will I run into issues if I put in multiple images that are each less than 3 MB? Is it always recommended to use the image uploader first, so the files are already on Itch.io?
2. And importantly, can we get some clarity about the server response when this happens? It seems that we either need to know to not copy/paste images, or at the very least give us more details when the server rejects the post. As it stands, it sounds like "Oh this is an Itch.io problem, just try later" is something that can be fixed by, well, trying later. In reality, I was able to make a very simple text-only blog post as a test without issue, but my original one is still prevented from being uploaded. The issue is definitely not server-side, at least in so much as the server will refuse to accept the post.
In theory, there could be a way to detect copy-pasted images and warn if they are too large, or perhaps offer to upload/shrink them and then use the uploaded image instead of POSTing with the embedded image data.