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How to play this game

A topic by irefrixs created May 19, 2024 Views: 131
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Developer (5 edits) (+8)

How to Play

Running the Game

  1. Download the game from and extract the files.
  2. Execute "marvel-lcg.exe"; It will start a local web server (default is
  3. Navigate to that url (or your customized IP and port) in your browser.
  4. Use your mouse to interact with the game, build decks, and battle villains.

Changing the Scenario and Hero

  1. Visit scene editor page (default is
  2. In Scenario fieldset:
    1. Click the package name to reveal a list of scenarios in that package. 
    2. Click the scenario name to select the scenario.
  3. In Encounter Set fieldset:
    1. Click "toggle" button to switch between showing all encounter sets or only the selected ones.
    2. Click on an encounter set's image to select or deselect it.
  4. In Heroes fieldset:
    1. Click the hero border to select a hero JSON data file.
    2. hero JSON files are located in folder "./scenes/heroes".
    3. Upon successful data loading, the hero's image will be displayed.
    4. For multiplayer, select multiple heroes.
  5. In Game Start fieldset:
    1. Click play button to start the game.
    2. For multiplayer games, open additional windows.
    3. To check the play windows' url, refer to the backend console (also known as `marvel-lcg.exe`)

Multiplayer Setup

  1. Change the "ip" value in "./launch.json" file to your LAN or WAN IP address.
  2. Select more than one hero in step "Changing the Scenario and Hero".
  3. Proceed with the steps in "Running the Game".
  • Remember to configure your firewall to allow the necessary port.


Mouse hoverZoom the card
Right click, FFlip the card
Middle click, Q, E, RRotate the card
Toggle pause the game
TabToggle game log

Right Sidebar

Slider barAdjust animation speed
LogToggle game log
UndoUndo the last step
RedoIf in asking, redo the last step, else skip the animation
PauseToggle pause the game
SaveSave the game to file "./save.json"

Notice: Undo, Redo, Skip will also affect other players. In multiplayer mode, please obtain the consent of other players before performing these operations.

Editing Player Decks

  1. Find a deck or upload your deck to
  2. Get the deck list id.
    1. the id is the number in the address bar
    2. e.g. if the address is "" then the id is `1234`
  3. Visit deck editor page (default is
  4. Put the deck list id into the text area next to the "Get Deck" button.
  5. Click "Get Deck".
    1. If there the card doesn't show a image, you should replace this ID to other cards.
  6. Click "Save" to save this hero JSON file. You can save it in any location.
  7. Select this hero JSON file in step "Changing the Scenario and Hero".
  8. Proceed with the steps in "Running the Game".
  • The game engine does not verify player decks; adhere to the deck-building rules independently.

Loading a save

  1. Change the "replay" value in "./launch.json" file to the saved file.

Disable multiplayer timeout

  1. Set the "timeout" value to 0 in "./launch.json" file.


  • The UI looks weird
    1. Try to reload the page.
    2. Try to use a different browser.
  • Game doesn't start after connecting to the address where the game opened
    1. Check whether the port is occupied (Multiple games opened)
    2. Check whether the firewall allows the ports.