How to Play
Running the Game
- Download the game from and extract the files.
- Execute "marvel-lcg.exe"; It will start a local web server (default is
- Navigate to that url (or your customized IP and port) in your browser.
- Use your mouse to interact with the game, build decks, and battle villains.
Changing the Scenario and Hero
- Visit scene editor page (default is
- In Scenario fieldset:
- Click the package name to reveal a list of scenarios in that package.
- Click the scenario name to select the scenario.
- In Encounter Set fieldset:
- Click "toggle" button to switch between showing all encounter sets or only the selected ones.
- Click on an encounter set's image to select or deselect it.
- In Heroes fieldset:
- Click the hero border to select a hero JSON data file.
- hero JSON files are located in folder "./deck/starter".
- Upon successful data loading, the hero's image will be displayed.
- For multiplayer, select multiple heroes.
- In Game Start fieldset:
- Click play button to start the game.
- For multiplayer games, open additional windows.
- To check the play windows' url, refer to the backend console (also known as `marvel-lcg.exe`)
Multiplayer Setup
- Change the "ip" value in "./launch.json" file to your LAN or WAN IP address.
- Select more than one hero in step "Changing the Scenario and Hero".
- Proceed with the steps in "Running the Game".
- Remember to configure your firewall to allow the necessary port.
Mouse hover | Zoom the card |
Right click, F | Flip the card |
Middle click, Q, E, R | Rotate the card |
Enter | OK |
Esc | Cancel / Skip animation |
Space | Toggle pause the game |
Tab | Toggle game log |
Ctrl (Hold) | Speed up animation |
Alt (Hold) | Zoom image |
F1~F4 | Focus on player 1~4 |
Right Sidebar
Slider bar | Adjust animation speed |
Log | Toggle game log |
Pause | Toggle pause the game |
Undo | Undo the last step |
Redo | If in asking, redo the last step, else skip the animation |
QSave | Save the game to file "./save_0.json" |
Notice: Undo, Redo will also affect other players. In multiplayer mode, please obtain the consent of other players before performing these operations.
Editing Player Decks
- Find a deck or upload your deck to
- Get the deck list id.
- the id is the number in the address bar
- e.g. if the address is "" then the id is `1234`
- Visit deck editor page (default is
- Click the hero deck you want to edit.
- Put the deck list id into the text area next to the "Get Player Deck" button.
- Click "Get Player Deck".
- If there the card doesn't show a image, you should replace this ID to other cards.
- Click "Save" to save this hero JSON file. You can save it in any location.
- Select this hero JSON file in step "Changing the Scenario and Hero".
- Proceed with the steps in "Running the Game".
- The game engine does not verify player decks; adhere to the deck-building rules independently.
- Put your decks in the folder "./deck" to display them in `My Deck` category.
Installing Image Package
- The UI looks weird
- Try to reload the page.
- Try to use a different browser.
- Game doesn't start after connecting to the address where the game opened
- Check whether the port is occupied (Multiple games opened)
- Check whether the firewall allows the ports.