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Everything vanished? Also spoilers, maybe.

A topic by ValerVee<3 created 28 days ago Views: 147 Replies: 3
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Sorry, I'm not sure how to hide text as a forewarning.

So, I was in the caves collecting radioactive materials for HOURS, when I finished I'll admit, I used the TP to get back to the entrance as I was carrying over 15 pieces of the green stuff. I exited the cave as I was ragdolling, which ~may~ have caused the issue? I spawned waay above the world box and fell for about a minute or two until I hit the actual world box, which I then used the "Num-Pad ." key to return to base. To my utter shock and dismay, EVERYTHING was gone, 47 days of story mode progress gone, K-Omega, my giant Argemias, my meticulously placed furniture, everything! Not to mention all the trash from day 1 respawned to add icing to the cake.

Below are some sad, kinda creepy screenshots of my now dead base :(

Hey, at least I made a new friend, he has a very lovely vest.

As you can see, everything is gone, even the servers lmao.

But yeah, pretty bummed about the loss. Any uhhh, tips for this?

(just pass out in the cave to leave it)
very strange bug but yeah... that's a pretty hard game-over. No clue what caused it and it would need a full object/map/event reset most likely if reloading doesn't fix it, and no clue what triggered it but I doubt it was glitching out the cave- I've done that lots screwing around and nothing bad ever happened, more likely it's a very specific/rare bug with switching maps in general :/

Thankfully you've seen basically everything scripted at day 47 (I think there was 2 more nights of the same event you should've already seen, very minor)- I would recommend holding off on the game for a while and starting fresh next major update so you have more random events you've not seen before to liven up the experience- and keep backups next time! Saves are stored at apddata>local>votv>saved>savegames

I mean, I kinda figured this was the end for me lol. 

For sure tho next time I decide to pick the game up I'm making backup saves. I absolutely love this game and can't wait for the next major update, hopefully it's sooner rather than later, though I know game development can be hell.

Thank you, even though this really wont be 'resolved' in the sense I wish it could be lol

Just some more weirdness, no servers and no transformers.

Just an empty dead world.

I thought about just spending my remaining points on some stuff and putting it in the cross-save box in front of the base for infinite but sadly it was gone too, RIP.