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Dumb question I had about the game and I'm really enjoying it so far

A topic by Rotoms created 42 days ago Views: 652 Replies: 3
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(1 edit)

Ok ik this sounds really stupid but I don't know how to select a class. Idk if class selection is actually out yet even since i have not been keeping up with the dev logs since I just downloaded the game yesterday. Is it just where you select your weapon at the begining?  Anyways this is a really great game it has some general appeal because usually the only games I play off itch are fps titles. Everything feels very smooth and gameplay is great.


From what I've seen scouring through the demo, there's no big "pick your class" thing at the moment... right now it's "buy the class book from the shopkeeper".

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From what ive played you buy a book in the shop corresponding to the class you want and once you are of a certain level you can use it to unlock the use of higher lvl items for that class and you get cool abilities