I tried posting this on the general questions area as well, but hadn't gotten any feedback yet...throwing it out here in case this was a better place to ask...
I tried uploading a .zip for a game. It contains the index .html file, .js file, and an assets folder. The game seems to work fine except that the background image for game play isn't loading.
I get the following error message: "Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to itchio/html/1223057/assets/APBiowall.png."
I uploaded the same zip folder to netlify.com and it works fine (https://apbiologygame.netlify.com/).
Here's a link to the game on itch and a screen shot of the issue: https://pappasbiology.itch.io/ap-biology?secret=mFVogyz9e7t4GYeuSCmR824X0
I'm a code novice, so I'm not sure what to do with it at this point. Any ideas?