Hey there!
I just wrapped up a game jam and I’m excited to share what I’ve cooked up! The game’s all about defeating enemies and grabbing buffs to boost your timer, keeping you in the action longer. It’s a race against time, and once you beat the game, you can replay to try and top your previous score.
I put this together in just 72 hours on my own. After plenty of game jams, I’ve gotten pretty good at this! I’d really appreciate your thoughts and feedback when you have a moment.
Check it out here: https://fmlad.itch.io/time-surge
Looking for Feedback:
- Overall mechanics, if they seem like a good fit.
- Art style, I was going for minimalist to iterate quickly but kinda like it.
- Gun “Feel” does it feel floaty, okay? fun?
Any time you have, I appreciate, Thanks a bunch!