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A new free RPG!

A topic by WolverineSoft Studio created 40 days ago Views: 46
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WolverineSoft Studio Presents:

Soul of the Forest


Step into the shoes of the exiled Druid. Outcast from society and beaten by the king’s shining champion, the injured Druid wanders into the forest. Discovering the magical nature of the woods and its impending doom at the hands of the tyrannical king, they embark on a quest to unite the forest. Can they save the Soul of the Forest?

In Depth Combat System Execute attacks, counters, dodges, and conversations in this thrilling, turn based RPG. Engage in a unique battle system inspired by Undertale and Franken as you navigate encounters. Defeat enemies in a game of combat, wits, or evasion - the choice is yours.

Wide Cast of Characters The forest is filled with life of all kinds. Engage in unique conversations with soldiers, villagers, ants, fungi, and more. Uncover their journeys as you convince them to aid you on your quest.

About WolverineSoft Studio Soul of the Forest was created by a 55 person multidisciplinary team over two semesters at the University of Michigan’s WolverineSoft Studio, a student games studio undertaking semester-long projects. It is an educational original game inspired by Undertale, Franken, and other comtemporary RPGs. Work on this project took place between August 2023 to April 2024.