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Happy "Awakening" launch!

A topic by //Swyatobor// created 39 days ago Views: 45
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Hey everyone!

It has been nearly a week since I've dropped out "Awakening" In early access, and since then, over 80 of you guys played the game! Of course I couldn't have been more motivated to continue working on the game and after countless hours working non-stop I'm proud to announce, that "Awakening" Is officially released! I've put my heart and my soul into this game and I really hope you guys like it as much as I love it myself. Make sure to check out everybody who helped me out with their designs and assets (all credits are on the main page), and special thanks to everybody else who emotionally supported me on this journey. The game will still recieve some quality of life changes so make sure to leave your feedback in the comments :3 . 

//Swyatobor// out,

Mic drops.