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A topic by badhavok created 47 days ago Views: 45
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This is a non-profit fan game.

Welcome to FinalFantasyFanaticFortress!  A tower defence prototype based upon the popular MMO FinalFantasy XI, where you will find yourself starting at one of the three main towns and then exploring the beautiful world of Vana'diel and defeating the enemies who are attacking everyone!

Currently this is just a concept idea, I have set up a single level with a very basic UI and VFX to showcase what I aim to create.  There's no upgrades available either as I'm trying to test the base mechanics so that I can scale up for future levels etc..

You start out in Bastok Mines, the goblins have grown tired of being restricted to the mines and they have decided to attack your town directly!  Place your units on the towers and stop them from destroying your flag/base.