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Climb. - My first real project.

A topic by 🌴NeonPalms🌴 created Jan 06, 2019 Views: 174
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Climb.  is a game I came up with about a year ago.  It's an action-adventure platformer that takes place out in the desert & it stars this hooded gentleman who has a penchant for jumping & climbing erratically.  Why is he climbing the mountain?  The answer lies at the top!  Or maybe it's been there the whole time?

Enough of the artsy stuff:  the goal of the game is to get to the top of the mountain.  You collect coins to furnish your house at the base, collect gems to unlock new abilities, and you pet a lot of fluffy animals along the way.  There are no enemies.  You can't command lightning with your fingertips or slay dragons, it's just a man climbing a mountain and taking in the fresh air.  It takes about an hour to complete if you're new to platformers & features several unlockables including a speedrun mode.

I've always wanted to make games & companies like Nintendo inspired me quite a lot.  (Never heard that before, huh?)  If you enjoy games like this, then I urge you to at least give the demo a try.  And if you're feeling generous, the full game is only a dollar!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, by the way.  Not many people take a moment to stop and admire things as they are nowadays.

Peace out!

- Josh