When New York based writer Adrian Cabassio finally dares to admit he has a writers block, he tries to find a different mindset. He goes for a hiking trip, camping in one of the great parks America has to offer. Looking for some peace of mind, fresh ideas and a new mindset. Oh... he will discover another mind set alright...
Welcome! You just discovered a MIKBook. Making comics combined with music, sfx and gameplay elements is a passion of mine. And so glad to have found this place with all these awesome projects!
New around here, so i'll have a look around!
If you have any (interactive) comics you want to share, let me know and post them below! Can't wait to experience them!
Now enjoy a short 2 minute read here: The GREAT OUTDOOR
(navigating is easy, click right of the screen to continue. Left to go back. )
Have fun and let me know if you made an awesome comic!
Hungry for more? Have a look at Saving Maggie - the trailer: