I posted this demo version of game in the release section as well, but this is really much a work in progress game, so I thought it would be okay to post this here, as I'd really much like to update the progress and let you hear about this journey's more intricate details.
I've been developing this surreal, existential, dark yet humorous action platformer for 3 months now. This is my first game project in 20 years, for as a kid I used to develop games with Clickteam products :D T'was wild...
Anyways, here's something about the game:
This game combines classic platformer gameplay with more progressive AI, including commanding your companion and even summoning and telepathy control is included. Also, the hunter-people are managing their own gunfights and monster hunting. The hero likes beer and it gives you health but it also comes with certain caveats. Note: the substance-abuse part of the game will be addressed as the story progresses.
There is also a very work in progress arena mode, where the player can battle the hunters as well and try to kill as many Eyes as possible… And for upcoming versions, in the story mode the hunters won’t tolerate the hero’s plan of eradicating all the Eyes once and for all. Hunting is their way of life after all.
Here's some pictures and !!! A PLAYABLE DEMO !!!which consists a first episode of some sort and also a really work in progress arena mode where you can use all of the games special features, including a ninja rope(!) and a drunken special attack