Whoever subscribes and bought the game will get the next updates for free?
There are 2 different versions of this game:
1. The primary ongoing version, identical on both Patreon and SubscribeStar:
Contains all currently existing NSFW + SFW content
Updated monthly
Active Patreon and SubscribeStar subscribers ($10 tier and up) receive the latest build within a few hours of payment and then, if they wish to keep their subscription active, each subsequent build as long as they keep their subscription active
2. Demo version, available for download here for free on itch.io:
Contains some NSFW content + most of the existing SFW content (at the time of this post writing)
Updated irregularly, there is no exact date for the next update (probably once per 12 months but it's hypothetically). However, if there will be an update, it will replace the current demo build and will be available for free download too
Donating the demo here on itch.io is purely voluntary, it does not have any additional benefits
Donations and subscriptions to this game directly support its development and allow this game to be developed and exist. I am full time developer of this game, and without active donations and subscriptions I will have to close the project, and I am grateful to everyone who supports the development of this game financially. Without these people, the game would simply cease to exist.
Will there be ever a final version of this game with a single purchase? I can't provide and I don't know any details and dates at the moment. The game is in active development and there is a lot to be done.