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[Composer] [Unpaid] Looking for any projects where I can compose background music :)

A topic by Exileduh created 84 days ago Views: 135 Replies: 2
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I can compose various genres and different sounds that may fit the different moods, im well aware how a good soundtrack can boost a game's quality dramatically

Here's (for instance) an entirely original album I released December 2023, and some of my earlier works

And here's a more "calm" track

I can also provide sounds effects if they're required :)

   (If you are interested, Message/send a friend request, I'll answer relatively fast :)

(1 edit)

Hi! Your music is awesome and I would love to have you on my team for the Themed Horror Game Jam #17. I can share more details over discord, but we're planning on making a horror roguelite game featuring an eldritch entity.  If you're interested, my discord is doppelganger360

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

I sent a friend request!