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A standalone tool for rendering PNG image atlases for developing 2D first-person grid-based dungeon crawlers. · By zooperdan

Change log Sticky Locked

A topic by zooperdan created Mar 16, 2024 Views: 131
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Developer (13 edits)



  • Viewport size, render size and atlas name are now saved in atlas JSON.
  • Added a toggle to choose if the tile player is standing on should be rendered.
  • Added Save button for current project and renamed the old button to Save As.
  • Fixed the progress bar. It didn't display correctly when processing multiple atlases.
  • Improved the post-processing speed by 10000% by writing an external command called ditherit.exe and passing the atlases, palette and dither settings to it.
  • Since the palette format used by AtlasMaker changed from .PAL to a regular indexed .PNG the palette preview window has been temporarily removed.
  • Project name in now displayed in window title bar.
  • Grouped the external files in a "files" subfolder.

Camera Setup

  • Added button for importing camera settings from another project
  • Added button for loading an image overlay for the dungeon preview. Useful for perspective matching.


  • Added buttons for moving atlas up/down in the list.
  • Removed the minimize size property since it was largely pointless to have it exposed.
  • Changed so that when duplicating an atlas the new name is set to [atlas name]_copy

Atlas Layers

  • Model preview is now also showing a wireframe cube to indicate height.
  • Added a Textured Cube model type
  • The transparency property also sets texture transparency for the external 3d models as well as Textured Quad and Textured Cube.
  • Changed so that pressing TAB moves focus correctly to next control
  • I simplified the Layer Types to be only the following:
    - STANDARD (Standard basically means decals like doors, buttons etc., but can also be used for walls.)
    - OBJECT (Always rendered front facing, like billboards)
    - OBJECT_ALL_SIDES (Rendered from all 4 sides)
  • Added option to filter atlas layers based on an atlas they are assigned to.
  • Added buttons for moving atlas layer up/down in the list
  • Fixed so that rendering with RenderMode.Left will only render left column but still store the screencoords for all the remaining positions
  • Fixed so that rendering with RenderMode.Middle will only render middle column but still store the screencoords for all the remaining positions
  • Fixed so that rendering with RenderMode.Right will only render right column but still store the screencoords for all the remaining positions
  • Changed so that when duplicating a layer the new name is set to [layer name]_copy
  • Fixed a bug causing some values to not be copied when duplicating a layer.


  • Fixed a bug where output path could not contain spaces.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the rendered atlas didn't load correctly in preview
  • Fixed a bug where app version was not correctly saved with the project.
  • Fixed so that missing projects are removed from the recent projects list
  • Changed so that the state of the "Fullscreen mode" and "Show atlas viewer when done" toggles are saved with the project.
  • Changed the position, rotation and scale properties of an atlas layer to be Vector3 for more control.
  • Added depth fog in camera/environment settings.


  • Added a render pixelation parameter which let you set the output pixel size. This is useful for rendering atlases with consistent pixel sizes from near to far. For optimal results, ensure that the textures utilized are of high resolution.
  • Fixed an oversight where the model scale affected the textured quad scale.
  • Added a help tab with some useful tips and tricks. (More to come)
  • Moved general settings and render settings into separate tabs. This allow me to add more settings in the future.
  • Added "Open atlas" button to the atlas preview screen. This opens the current atlas using the default associated application.


  • Added option to choose between alpha blend and alpha clip transparency method for built-in textured quad.


  • Added the option to render atlas layers using a built-in textured quad or an external 3D model.
  • Added a button for resetting camera setup parameters to default values.
  • Made the "Anim name" field for atlas layers read-only to avoid potential errors with animations not found. Use the animation browser to pick animation.


  • Fixed an oversight where you could input negative numbers for some camera settings.
  • Fixed so that atlas layer vertical offset also is shown in the model preview window.
  • Fixed a bug with the light that sometimes didn't light up the floor properly.
  • Added so you can press space or enter to close popup dialogs.
  • Added support for rigged character animations.
  • Added an animation browser dialog for selecting an animation from the assigned model.


  • Added button for duplicating atlases and atlas layers.
  • Added angle property for atlas layers. Angle controls the rotation (in degrees) of the model in Y-axis. You can use this to reorient the model if it's facing the wrong way.
  • Added support for rendering animated objects. Use the "Anim name" property to choose which animation from the model will be rendered and the "Anim frames" property to set how many frames of animation will be rendered.
  • Changed the input fields in camera setup to be slideable for easier adjustments. Just click and slide the value. Double click to manually enter value.
  • Added a welcome screen with some info and quicklinks to recent projects.


  • Fixed a crash bug that sometimes happen when the prompt dialog appears. 


  • Fixed a bug where changes to camera, light and environment settings was not flagging the project as changed.
  • Fixed a bug where the right most grid column was not rendered.
  • Added "More info" buttons for Layer type and Render mode which will open up a webpage explaining these.
  • Removed the Help page since it has no content and with the context sensitive help the need for a separate help screen is reduced.
  • Added button which lets user abort atlas generation.
  • The "Show atlas viewer when done" value is no longer saved with the project.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes empty images would be added to an atlase.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes multiple quit prompt dialogs would appear when you tried to quit the application.


  • Added a notification sound when atlas rendering is complete.
  • Added a toggle for showing of the atlas viewer screen when atlas rendering is complete.
  • Added a preview screen for selected palette.
  • Changed the left/right arrows in camera setup to look like turning arrows.
  • Added a checkbox for turning fullscreen on/off. I also removed the F shortcut key because it was sometimes interfering when typing something.
  • Added a vertical offset property for atlas layers. This is useful if you want to add verticality by rendering different levels.


  • Added a processing screen with progress bar.
  • Added a floor plane to the model viewer which can be toggled on/off.
  • Added a scale parameter to atlas layers. Useful for when you use wrongly sized models from a 3rd party asset pack.
  • Added context sensitive help for some parameters I felt needed more explanation.
  • The wall model and floor/ceiling textures for the camera setup preview are now loaded externally from the bundled data\ folder. Feel free to make changes to the model and textures to fit your needs.
  • The WALL layer type was split up into WALL_FRONT_AND_SIDE, WALL_FRONT and WALL_SIDE. This means it's possible to render out walls as separate parts.
  • Added more layer render modes. MIDDLE will only render tiles the middle column of the perspective grid. LEFT will render every tile left of the middle column and RIGHT will render every tile right of the middle column.


  • Fixed bug where editing some parameter didn't set the project changed status.
  • Fixed bug where creating new project didn't reset all parameters to default.
  • Added texture filter parameter which let you control if the filter method of all textures found in the loaded 3D models. You can choose between Nearest (Point) and Linear (Interpolated).
  • Added option to reduce and restrict colors of generated atlases to an external index palette.
  • Added option to dither the color reduced atlases.
  • Added option to select which color space will be used to color reduce atlases. YUV is slightly slower than RGB but might sometimes give better results.
  • Added navigation controls in the camera setup screen. You can now move around a small dungeon to get a feel for the camera settings.
  • Added a model viewer which let you preview the 3D models assigned to an atlas layer.
  • When you click the label it now opens the webpage.
  • Changed project file extension from .amp to .amproject
  • A facelift of the UI. It's more consistent and clear now.