Hey all,
I've started a new weekly project called Zapnag's Grab Bag. Its a weekly release of 4 new and unique magic items for Dungeons and Dragons or 5e compatible games. Its also got some rules for having a kooky, weird, dimension traveling wizard show up in your game to offer the items. And each week comes with a short audio file of Zapnag talking some nonsense about his wares. Its fun bit of whimsy but the items are all very fun and useful.
It's already on Week 07. This week's items are Flippy the Boat, Blast-Off Armor, Raven Cloak, and Bog Wrench.
Week 07 can be bought here: https://getmoregood.itch.io/zapnags-grab-bag-week-07
And if you wanna see what its like, Week 01 is FREE and can be downloaded here: https://getmoregood.itch.io/zapnags-grab-bag-week-01
And if you think they look fun, but don't want to buy them individually, you can subscribe to my patreon to get them every single week: https://www.patreon.com/GetMoreGoodGames