Like the original, it's a straightforward story focused branching visual novel, though in future releases I hope to add small gameplay segments/minigames. If you enjoyed the Friendsims but wanted the chance to spend more time with your favs, well here you go! If you're a fan of Homestuck and you haven't played Hiveswap Friendsim yet- what's wrong with you its only .99 on steam??? Go bask in the glow of beautiful friendships formed with weird bloodthirsty aliens! Then once you're hooked, come back here and get more of what you need!
The assets are reused, but the writing is all new, including brand new end cards that faithfully match the style of the original.

The current alpha version has one route with three complete endings in which you hang out with the overly formal intellectual Galekh and flight obsessed madcap inventor Vikare. You've arranged to take them both kite flying, but there's an early bump in the road when their disparate opinions on science clash. Can you smooth things out and get this friendship kite airborn? Or is it doomed to land in the powerlines of alienation and despair?
Coming up soon: Teal Turnabout!