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[Music] Looking for experience in video game scoring

A topic by kkmusic created Feb 18, 2024 Views: 77
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(1 edit)

Hello everyone! 

I'm an electronic music producer working from Sweden, specializing in relaxing ambient fantasy and downtempo music, seeking opportunities to create custom video game music. 

My work could be characterized as having enchanting and magical qualities, blending elements of fantasy with a dark, Gothic twist. I feel it would be well-suited for a variety of gaming genres, particularly those requiring an atmospheric or dramatic score, such as cosmic space adventures or intricate fantasy settings. My music is often described as relaxing, which could work really well with chill open world or building games! 

Let me know if you want to work with me! Right now I am open to collaborating on projects without financial compensation as I am currently focused on gaining experience. Let me bring some enchantment to your game! :) 

Demo reel with some snippets of my work:


Discord: kkmusic

Twitter: KatalinKult