The Rizaki Fortune & Danger is an Indonesian language puzzle and mystery RPG game created using RPG Maker MV. This game focuses on two government agents named Riza and Zaki who are assigned to investigate cases of mysterious disappearances of people.
This game is still in the Demo version and has been updated by adding a minigame in the form of a Labyrinth Area. The main purpose of this demo version is to introduce the public to the characters, main problems and minigames contained in this game.
This game is inspired by Resident Evil and Takeshi's Fortress. The story in this game focuses on government agents who handle cases involving heretical cults. In an effort to complete the game, players must successfully pass various minigames or puzzles throughout the game. The word Rizaki comes from the words 'Rejeki' or 'Riski' which means luck and can also mean danger in English.
If you find any bugs or errors in this game, please let me know via the comments column. Thank you and good luck!
Screenshot New part in Demo Game v2.0 :