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Triggered Antivirus

A topic by MyLewdShit created Jan 14, 2024 Views: 973 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Hello friend. I tried to download your game to see for myself because I was quite interested, but for some reason it triggered my antivirus. It triggered some sort of trojan virus. Is anybody else experiencing this?


Hi! This is a very strange situation that is happening for the first time.
Please answer me a few questions so that I can figure out the situation.

1. Did you download the game from my official sources? If so, from where.

2. What kind of antivirus do you have? Is this your only antivirus?

3. What OS and platform do you have?

4. What specific file is the antivirus complaining about?

(3 edits)

I use Avira, it's my only Antivirus. It's complaining about the exe file for the game itself [DEEP_VAULT_69.exe] as well as [pythonw.exe]. After that the download gets an error. I'm on Windows 10.

I remember that Ren'py was something that got a false virus reaction elsewhere.

I only remember that it seems to be somewhat normal, but i don't remember if it was just in virus total that I saw something or if I really got a note myself once.

Not with this game, I just found this game.