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A member registered Oct 10, 2023

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Oh okay, so not the main cast, well one less thing to worry about storywise.

Alright, I might have someone that I can go trough this whole thing again to make sure i understood it, the english while I understand much might be an extra layer of difficulty for me here.

I compared this to a windows account that I saw on many PCs  years ago, like do you want to log in as "Motiz" , as "admin" or "family"

That I barely rememember, but I filled in the blanks and thought you might not be sharing with the other account what I'm using here. 

At this point it feels like the only thing still confusing me based on you telling me it sounds like I still haven't understood it correctly.

Maybe I actually need to see it to make sure I don't missunderstand it just by imaging the wrong thing or something like that.

I just didn't imaged that I do that sandbox thing, have a second account and just continue like normal. 

Me saying I need to install everything again might be because I expected a fresh account. I...try to search for exampled now, maybe I just need to see it. Thank you for the help it does feel like you told me everything there is.

Okay I guess I understand that, but I didn't had the need to use a second account yet so I guess I wasn't totally aware.

I'm still curious if you would use both methods.

Also do I need to install much stuff again, replay things and whatever?

The most annoying thing I can image at the moment is running into  a situation I can't solve or get myself out of and  that I really need more GB for all the app stuff I probably need soon.

I was only told to maybe not use the newest games and see if someone mentioned a lot of problems viruses or odd things in the comment section. I also usually stay away from stuff that doesn't even show any pictures since that gives me a low effort feeling.

Okay thank you this is helpful.

Well with all that my biggest question is always, just in chase there should be any reason I want to or have to remove it, would it be easy?

I don't know where this is coming from anymore, but I always feel like I install it, encounter something that needs me to remove it and i have big trouble to figure out how to remove it without causing any troubles for everything else. (Like those savefiles I think you described are tucked away there)

What I still have not understood, the account that is created, is that like a  camouflage for the account? I remember that it sounded like you keep your account and everyone knows or sees you as Mausakrobat28 but either the folder or your account is somewhere names user3812 (whatever) 

I know I know,  I guess i had some bad experiences and now I'm also figuring this out in english even if it feels easy enough to undertand.

I just keep asking myself these "what if" things.

Soooo what I wanted to know from you before and since the 2fa is different from what I know from steam in how it seems to work a bit, Is sandboxing in your eyes enough at the moment or do I need 2fa and sandbox?   

It starts to sound like 2fa might not be needed in this chase....or wait it's late but you might be actually meaning that I should get both because they kind of both protect one said of the coin a bit.

Thank you again, I hope it's still alright for you to help me a bit further should I still remember something tomorrow.

It starts to feel like i'm to careful again, but now I'm even a bit tired and I just remember your link. I take a look tomorrow I guess.

Thank you I haven't really heard it before and couldn't really see it during character creation. Some changes are so difficult to see in these sometimes.

You  are right and I have to admit I get slightly confused now. I wanted to start paying for stuff or when I reached a certain amount payed I thought maybe I protect the account a bit better. So i wanted to know what I need for that. 

From what I understood you think sandbox mode is enough right? I think I understood that concept now. 

I just have the question if I have to go trough any complicated or "make a new second password" situations when  I allow to run with that second account your spoke about.

I have it on another gaming client that two step authentificator and know it as something that helps to protect your account. I'm however  rather unsure in situations like this and it felt like here it's more complicated.

Soooo when I pay for stuff or payed enough I want to protect my account and my games,  well naturally everything else too if you can help it you know.  I lost my train of thoughts, but I wanted to see what I really need since I hate all that download 20 apps even when your phonw is full or create 25 accounts stuff. 

My stuff wasn't always this sorted so I might be just a bit  worried I have to search for hours for a stray password again.

I hope it's still clear what I want now and I haven't explained to much.

(3 edits)

I'm using the app too, what do you mean with sandboxing?  

edit: Okay I think I found that, I activated the option. So you don't think I should get the extra step thingy?

Then again what is that Itch. Player extra account thing now? 

I thank you both for the help I think it's clear that I rarely have done anything like this before or at least in english/on

I could offer german to explain some things better but I doubt you understand that better? 

Anyway  Is there a phone number or email here that I should remember in chase something happens at some point?

Hey is there a private chat here?  sometimes I saw the devs using it on steam, I have a question where it felt like it's not a good idea to open a discussion for that. Simple but I'm pretty careful with these things.

I only have trouble with some adult games, at least on steam, not sure what idiot made those decisions. It's annoying, you wait to be old enough, it get's opened and then closed 2 years later again from what I understood.

I was not on GoG yet, to be honest I'm not to happy with having to many shops, but I started thinking about it. 

Hhhmm okay, I'm just not to happy with someone being thrown into the fray at this point.  

Either it just feels weird to me or I have seen some really annoying OC stuff that I hated, because it was immersion breaking or whatever.

Well maybe it will be a good one, I just trust you with it.

It still doesn't sound good the alison thing, but I won't complain further.

I think I already saw a few that I was dancing around for a while now thank you. I think we have a few things in common from what I'm reading. let's see if we get an answer anytime soon, from steam I know it could might as well take half a month.

(1 edit)

I want to be able to put the Emote Button from Z somewhere else, I don't have or can change the layout.

This is good I will enjoy it, especially if we get more encounters like in town, different poses, maybe in the end a somewhat deeper relationship level.

If it has to be and works this way I might be also willing to pay a bit extra for some sort of housing or building stuff. 

I didn't had enough time for a big adventure yet.

What is grower? PLease update the explanation soon, I assume there will be more I stumble on. Maybe give examples.

How are refunds handled on I'm still somewhat new and just started to risk it with some projects.

I want to know what I get myself into before I leave more money or find something bad.

Sooo I guess I'm a suporter now,  I hope you try to make it a bigger project. From what I could see the animations were good enough and I found something that kind of explained the flirting mechanik or what it was. Not to convinced about the (adventure?) part but I will give it a chance. Honestly I just hope the relationship maybe even story part will be good. 

I like those little things I remember saying that somewhere, like sitting down and talking with a character, maybe playing some games or whatever. I suddenly thought of random games and need to stop here with the spontanous suggestions.

Ich mag vorallem Zeug mit Humor, ich dachte direkt ich frag mal ob dir dazu irgendwas einfällt. Ich bin mir zwar nicht sicher aber Situationskomik scheint auch immer gut anzukommen. 

Not sure if I understand it correctly, but there isn't a potentially bad OC thrown into the game as an afterthought or how you call it right?

That maybe sounds wrong, but if we even go the incest route, I don't think a slightly younger person or younger looking one would be the worst in such a game.

1. While I don't like it, they seem to do it far to young from what I heard during this age.

2. I suppose even something around 16 would have been okay for a game like that? I can't think of anything to bad in this situation, especially with the context the game would probably give it.

i don't know I might sound very wrong with my english trying to explain more complicated stuff with a quick thought.

You maybe should have just have her mention her age or in the beginning, some people are just short and now I feel like a potential joke might be lost.

I don't think there would be harm in keeping it up, but I wish you a good day too.

Yes if there is a potential to use the character I always try my best, I guess i got lost into some parts that didn't made sense or how I could see no changes.

I feel like I can understand you pretty well, again have a good day and hopefully a great week. Sadly for me something stressfull seems to happen at least once a week currently.

Well I tried a bunch of nonsense on that platform but I found stuff that I considered funny or even really good. So far I mostly tested the free stuff and have only recently started to buy one...maybe now two of these with a price tag on it. 

I also play probably RPG The most, then something like Metroid vania, rarely Horror if I find something that convinces me.  Everything else seems to be up in the air,  Shovel knight, old shooter that I got for free. 

Well the amount that I actually got in the end shocked me a bit, but I will probably play trough it at least once. It seems like it could get good depending on what was added so far and I only really started. Wasted an hour in the character creator.

is the german or english translation better now? Dose the game have V-Sync? I worked with the character creator a bit for an hour, only to realise how much was blocked by patreon. I hope I can save the char.

Sooo yes the german translation wasn't so great and I actually still have to play now.  I would like an updated demo I think, I don't want to assume anything based on that old demo from what i saw or was told.

You seem to have a similar taste and I also prefer them with well more story and stuff. I'm still kinda new myself.

Okay thank you, i guess that should be safe enough and give me a taste. 

Beside that one last question, I tried to get some information but either forgot something or haven't found my way to whatever other  source you have yet. I think i asked already, but is this supposed to be a bigger game and how far in development are you if you had to maybe use % ?

I think I would actually see a reason to be excited if it turns out your far from done.

Where did you get to play a demo?

I'm also curious, because I believe this here and another game didn't show much on steam db and for the other game i figured out there was a ban. I'm only somewhat sure about this one here.

This is kind of interessting but somewhat so so...still i would like to buy it before this get's blocked for our country too.

I'm curious because I have not been in that situation yet, why does someone need that setup and can you use every monitor in theory?

I still have to experience it myself, but that's what I heard and another Person I asked just yesterday again wasn't sure himself. 

I'm still new to but some stray comments I don't remember clearly anymore, talked about having to pay twice either by mistake or another time when the price got raised.

Soooo I have no example for myself yet, just something others seem to have experienced. 

The product itself is supposed to be something somewhat big? I had at least read the storepage today once. I mean completely.

Hey uhm one last question, do you have a price raise in mind? I heard here on this side your forced to pay the difference in chase you change it later and I would like to know what I could expect. It seems like it's not exactly like on steam where I only have to pay the 15 $ and keep every version.

Also I was really not sure if I remembered the gifs wrong, but have you already added something?

Is this the full price? I figured out that steam did the banning thing?, also that it works here differently and maybe I need to pay aditional stuff later, would like to see how the animation looks like, how fluid (flüssig)

Well after steam it would take some getting used to paying more later in chase the price raises, but it's good knowing that thank you. Well no problem I guess.

I decited to just risk it, but it won't even download with the app.

How does it work exactly, since I believe someone told me I might be forced to pay more or just the difference once the game updates and the price is higher? 

Do i keep it like on steam for the price I payed?

I think I went there with the screwdiver or how it's called in english and it was open after that.

Do you know if they both got updated? I see no update notes and just a recent update in the informations.

What's the current content? Are they still sepperated?  Which version got updated? I don't want to repeat to much.

Hey I'm asking for another game since I don't believe they would answer me there also I keep getting downvotes for asking for a demo and stuff...weird.

Is there a way to get the money back like on steam here? That game I'm thinking about might be to expensive for a try or in chase the dev never finishes the game.

Okay thank you, but wow seems like lately you don't even have to try anymore to earn dislikes. 

edit: If you meant scrolling up to take a look at the pictures...I did that before writing that comment, so that's the reason why I thought you get  a better feel when you get your hands on a demo.

I would have to try someone to explain to me the way I possibly acted stupid or  insulted the dev, you know the downvote.

I just had two situations again where I feel like mentioning you eat an apple everyday earns you a downvote.

I want to ask for a demo, it looks interessting, but I would like two scenes or something and a bit of the fighting as an example.

Sometimes I don't understand users, this is more or less overall positiv, I explain how I like the game here, oh well.