Hi there, I don't know how many of you have heard of Money Idol Exchanger
(wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_Idol_Exchanger, gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpiNbye0bfw) but at least nobody is talking about it on the internet afaik.
so I spent a few weeks and built a stripped-down version of this as my first game. link: https://3almon.itch.io/idol, screenshot:
I modified the game mechanism a little bit to make the gameplay smoother (e.g. I removed the annoying power-ups that only blocks you before you can find a pair of them, and using them feels so cheap and such a no-brainer). Hope you like it !
z - take coins
x - throw coins
up - brake (by clearing the level gauge)
down - accelerate (by increasing level gauge by 50)
left, right - move
The coins will continuously spawn from the top, and if a coin ever goes beyond the bottom of the screen, you lose.
You can move around, take a single type of coins and throw them back (i.e. If you current hold one type of coins, you cannot take coins of a different type)
If more than three coins of the same type adjoin each other (like a match-three game), they are removed and a new coin will spawn. Spawning a new coin follows the following pattern (e.g. 4 red coins -> 1 orange coin):
Red(1) -> Orange(2) -> Yellow(3) -> Green(4) -> Blue(5) -> Red(1) -> .....