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HereSphere VR Video Player (Quest 2)

VR video player with immersion-enhancing algorithms, streaming, and media library features · By HereSphere

Anybody know if it's possible to connect in with Heresphere to Plex web?

A topic by nerfdaderp created Jan 06, 2024 Views: 401 Replies: 2
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Trying to figure out how to bring the glory of my Plex server to Heresphere  (other than through SMB as some of the content doesn't provide audio via that mechanism, etc..). Currently it dies out at authentication, or if auth is disabled, it just loads up an XML form. Anybody else had any luck?


I think Plex requires DLNA. I'll add support for it in a future update.

No sir, Plex does  not require DLNA. It's an optional feature, but not a requirement. I was hoping to get the base website functionality supported as that means your device would have full access as long as there is internet, whereas DLNA would require LAN connectivity (and really is just an alternative to SMB and not truly Plex IMO)