Hi there! I have recently faced an issue which prevented me from making my game page public. My game is a Godot 4 HTML export embedded to the itch page, currently private. I would like to make my game's page public for information on how to get in contact with me (the developer) and information about the game's development state, since it's far from finished. However, in doing so, the embedded game gets accessible as well. Preferably, I would like to have the page accessible to the public, however, the embedded game would be restricted by a download key (distributed to testers). I have already looked into the docs and other forum posts, however the only choices I would have would be to make the HTML downloadable, to create another page for game testing or to provide other download files, none of which I would be thoroughly satisfied with.
Therefore, would there be any way to make the embedded game only accessible to people with a private download key or any similar solution? Thank you for your attention!