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Idol Manager

Idol Manager is a business sim about conquering the entertainment industry using any means you deem necessary. · By sadambober, Kuiper

Ideas and Suggestions Sticky

A topic by sadambober created Nov 20, 2018 Views: 45,821 Replies: 454
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I really agree with merch! As a long time wota, I owe my being broke to idol merch. and on that note, and I just started the game so if this is already a thing, I'm sorry, but member colors!! or the option of having member colors! with bonuses where girls desire a certain color as a wish, or get a small bonus from having their favorite colors... colors giving small stat buffs (pink being cute, yellow energetic, blue being cool etc) 
and if there is a generation system implemented, new members looking up to their senpai or wanting to inherit their color!

loving the game so far!!

A randomize function for creating main character & company names  at the start of a new game would be appreciated.

YES THIS I was really upset there wasn't a random button and that I had to think of a name


I want to flirt with my loli idols T_T


I don't think Steam would let that slide xD

Do you have plans for mod support?


It'd be great if you could start planning a date with an idol without interrupting their current activity. Balance-wise this changes nothing since you can just pause the game, cancel the activity, start planning, and reassign the idol, but it'd be a big QoL improvement.

The character's talent is more fun to keep secret for a few months.

If check immediately at the time of audition, use Research Points.

It's a good idea, but I think it should be decided by options or difficulty settings.

I don't want to hire people with negative traits, even in the platinum class.

I think that a good producer can detect the characteristics from a little word and action without any special investigation. (Actually, the idol's comment at the time of joining is determined by the characteristics)


After nation of idols my idol that I had max relationship with was not happy and just insta left it feels kind of of out of context, being that she did not say anything about our relationship. There should be a way to at least make her stay with influence since you can do that with regular graduating idols.

Other then that so far I enjoy the game.


i think it would be pretty cool if we had an option to add makeup to our idols, just like how we can choose their outfits.

Deleted 2 years ago

Gonna throw my hat in as opposing this one. I think it's relevant to the current day. That said, it's something that almost certainly needs to go for German sales to be a thing (sigh), and I'm sure an option somewhere to turn these sorts of things off may be appreciated by some.

(2 edits) (+1)

I think child fans can be added to the demographics in the game since there are some idols that are 12 (or under if you make your own) and here’s how you can get them!

1. Performing at kid’s concerts( casual or hardcore)

2. Promoting products for kids such as toys( can either be male or female and casual)

3. Modeling for children’s clothes(casual but mostly female)

4. Children’s music can be a new song genre(not talking about nursery rhymes!) But you can make song covers from anime for kids such as Yume wo kanaete  Doraemon, theme songs from the Pretty Cure franchise and more

5. Have them be featured in anime or manga for the kiddos

6. In the cafe, you can serve food for kids or a kids menu

And that is all have!

Fun fact: IRL some idols have kids for fans, for example, During Prizmmy’s final concert one of their pictures feature them with there fans (with most being children and teens)

Prizmmy has a younger demographic

Is there a way to make an event unlock a body/face/accessory ? I've seen a post speak about a ignore.json but I see no reference to it in the Idol Manager Editor and I've seen no example of it in the workshop mods; so I was wondering if we maybe make it ignore say 0.png from a given folder if variable != x or y ( then modify say variable in the event Effect.


Not possible right now, but I'll try to think of a way to implement this

Thanks, that would be amazing. ^_^

1. i think it's a good QoL improvement to add a full screen view mode to the idol tab.

2. there should be an option in auto practice and styling to not continue train/style idol on their maxed potential stat, or make it so we can set minimum/maximum practice/style requirement for each idol. (on a sidenote, i can't tick which visual parameter for each idol to focus on, is this a bug or there's something im missing?)

3. each tab should be able to keybinded for ease of use.

4. the spinning wheel in the concert should be skippable or fast forwarded,  it gets really repetitive after a while.

5. idols stats as a staff if you recruit them after graduating should be based off their stats(semi randomized) or each idol should have a hidden staff skill parameter.

6. maybe not necessary, but i think in the late game there should be more of a challenge even in normal mode, especially in the leaderboard, there's certainly a point where the game feels finished and its kinda pointless to keep going because no one can challenge you anymore, ofc this disrupts the "power fantasy" so this might not be a 100% good change for all players.

great game, definitely have potential to be awesome! do you guys intend to add full mod support in the future?

Item #2 is already a thing. There are three policies you can apply to your group to limit auto-training based on minimum attribute value, maximum attribute value and idol stamina.

(1 edit)

Unfortunately no, #2 isn't yet a thing; the policies allow you to set arbitrary global cap at 20, 50 or 80 points, but there's no option to stop training given idol once she hits her specific potential in given skill. Which would be useful to have, as training beyond the potential takes 10x longer.

Can you guys add a method to get alot of fans. Something like marketing campaigns where you can pay high amounts of cash to get some fans. Really would make the late game more enjoyable. Btw nerf concerts and the mental health is kinda buggy, you can give the idols 1 yen per week and they still work like they normal do.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, from playing the game for 22 hours this week there are some things I think should be added or changed or added.

  • The dialogue with the idols can get kinda stale like the gossip and rumours stay the same for a really long time it would be nice if there was a little more to it?

  • MORE OUTFITS. It would be cool if the girls got more outfit choices the higher their cool, cute, smart, sexy, and pretty scores were. Like some girls only have one accessory and the lack of customization just makes them all look too similar. So it would be nice to diversify. 

  • It would be cool to have male idols as well but I understand that is a lot harder to implement since the game has already been released. Maybe a DLC idea for the future?

  • Something I find really annoying is in the cafe it splits up the group menus. I feel like the menus overall should be shared so it is easier to navigate because I can't list menu items from one group on some days and then the other group on other days if that makes sense. Also, it says that the second group can be part of the main group in activities and songs and stuff so why not in the cafe/ menu. 

  • Maybe displaying the picture of idols that have graduated just cause its nice to see what they used to look like and stuff. 

  • Other ways to gain stamina back? I usually have to put girls on hiatus because their stamina drains a lot and the spa isn't good enough. I also have a break room and doctor but it still takes ages. I think in the later game another building or something could be added maybe?

1. The profits from the concert are so good. 

In difficult difficulty level, it would be good to debuff the profits.

I think it would be good to set a narrow ticket price range.

2. Underground idols rely on performance revenue. I hope to maintain management with minimum performance revenue.

AD or Photograph is a big event for underground idols. Maybe it's an opportunity to escape an underground idol.

So I think it would be good to reduce the business offer a little

3. Overall, the difficulty level is also too easy. I hope there is a much more difficult level than now.

Otherwise, the current mode manager cannot modify the concert or performance effect.

 I think it would be good to upload a new version of the enhanced mode manager. Then the users will create a very hardcore mode.


First of, I bought this game after watching a French streamer (JDG) play, I didn't know if I would like it, and can't stop playing since. So good job!

Now I do have a (well 2) problem with the theater.

1. There is no stamina management for the theater, so I had to destroy it because it was killing my idols. Maybe doing like for the café would be a good idea.

2. It seems like the streaming revenue in the theater aren't shown in the income/outcome panel at the bottom of the screen.

Oh and I might have another suggestion about the theater. EVERTYTHING in the game is based on weekly revenue, except the theater. Why? Making it all weekly would make it easier to read and manage.

- Add the ability to automatically assign all girls in a unit the same uniform (or a predefined set for each individual girl that is similar in shape and color), so you can easily differentiate between units.

- When a girl's skill reaches its potential, it would be really convenient to see that value displayed in the girl's tab in the main screen with a different color, so as to possibly manually prevent her from continuing to train that skill with a great deal of time and resources.

Deleted 2 years ago

You can press F7 five times to enable debug mode and launch any event from there



Some suggestions :

  1. Add idol graduation date in their profile, when you have a lot of idol it's hard to remember
  2. Add possibility to filter songs when selecting song for a concert
  3. Add possibility to sort singles by date, fan satisfaction etc

Adding to #1, it'd be nice if graduated idols were moved to some sort of "hall of fame" where you could view their profiles, or something along these lines. As a bonus, this could open up a possibility to (still) interact with them in some manner.

Also, maybe an option to set a concert as a "graduation ceremony" for an idol that's about to leave soon? It could make the fan base of that particular idol more likely to attend, or smth.

Something about idol contract. The managing idol of the game is good and all but I think this is what is lacking. The idol I manage seem to like doing scandalous thing and I am the one who has to clear it with no penalty to the idol. Also, some of the more orthodox IRL companies have a contract that's quite complex with hefty penalties for breaking it and some about the term of contract like maybe four years.


I don't know if someone suggested this already but it would be really nice if you could have a "pre-sorting" group where the idols are listed as "trainees," and you can choose to dispose of them before you finalize them for debut. I like to think of my idols realistically where big idol entertainment companies enlist newbies to train before debuting. And then once debuting it makes sense that you can't switch them around after a year. My issue is that once I create new groups, I can't move idols already under a sister group even though their demographics make much more sense in the new group. I have to wait a whole year before that. If they were listed as trainees and not confirmed for debut then moving them around with be so much easier T_T Idk if that made sense, I just want to be able to switch them around more fluidly. In the meantime I'm just using their outfits to distinguish which group they are a part of.

And it would be kind of cool to be able to do plastic surgery >u< cuz of how realistic that is... but I get that it wouldn't make much sense in the game cuz of the current structure as well as the art.

Also I would love to see male idols :3

overall I LOVE this game. I am thoroughly addicted and my work/school is suffering ;_; (jk not really) but keep in mind I'm not the type of person to play ALOT of games so this says a lot! Great work. 


Below are some of my ideas.


1. Rebalancing the mental stamina of the idol (not much impact on the current game right now) (related to 3. Idol’s preferences too)

2. True End after the story mode (Idol’s ending) (Again, related to 3. Idol’s preference)

3. Idol’s preference on genre (music / lyrics / choreography)


1.Rebalancing mental stamina

Currently the mental stamina is not impactful on the game. I suggest every activity (like releasing singles) should decrease the mental stamina on the idol. Moreover, If the idol personal preference is not match with the singles / concert, for example, A idol with preference on metal music, but the new singles are of different genre, the idol will suffer more damage on mental stamina.

In addition, 100% of mental stamina should mean 100% of the idol’s ability status, while low mental stamina will yield a percentage of the idol’s ability. (e.g., 50% stamina may cause the idol’s originally 100 dancing skills to 50 dancing skills)

This should cause the player to slow down the money-making process and force them to choose the right member regardless of the flat ability of the idol. Thus, the player could not spam singles and concert on making huge amount of money.

2. True End

After the current story mode, there game has no goal and I suggest having a true ending. 

The ending should be focus on the idol / the idols’ group. For example, I imagine a scenario when after the story, the main character is challenged by the top rival idol manager (from a particular genre of music) from the world. The player then have to, for example, choose to challenge a world class metal band. 

Numerous events could be added during this scenario, for example, the rival manager may recruit your idols, and you have to choose your faithful idol/ idols to conquer the specific genre of music. As mentioned previously, each idol should have its preference on genre, the idols with different preference may leave the group as well.

If the player beat the rival manager, which will yield a true genre-specific ending for the group / idol.

This will encourage the player too play on specific genre to see all endings, and different genre should have different event along the route too.

In addition, Aya / rival (main character) / Fujimoto should also have True ending after the story.

3. Idol Preference

As mentioned previously, each idol should have preference on particular type of music / lyrics / dance, this also add difficult to the game as the player now could not choose the idol with the highest ability, but also have to consider whether the idol match the group’s image too.

Thank you very much for your reading

(1 edit) (+1)

It would be nice if there was an option at Romance Relationship 5 to keep her in the Group and keep going on Dating / "other" events with her at the cost of triggering a scandal.

or maybe just the ability to still interact with her after marriage ...

I just finished a Romance Rout and the Idol was very well written, so I am a bit sad that all options at 5 would stop me from having further Romantic Interactions with her, I kind of wish I could keep interacting with her after she became my wife :v

I think more Formation for Idol groups would also be nice,
Trio Formations, Duo Formations,  Quartets, and 5-Star Groups ...
The Pyramid is nice and all, but I think it could be fun to have more and smaller options!
Maybe as DLC?


1 I would like to be able to sell album CDs as well as single CDs.

2 Staff members don't level up fast enough and can't be promoted before clearing the game. In the latter half of the game, I'd like to see the levels rise a little faster.

3 I want to be able to modify the interior of the game easily with mods, like in RIMWORLD.

4 I'd like to see a tool that makes it easy to make custom mods for characters. It's too much work to position the face, hairstyle and accessories.

5 I'm waiting for the DLC!

Translated with (free version)

I would like to be able to use the bangs and back hair folders in hairstyle. The back hair should be hidden behind the body.

It is difficult to add long hair and body.


Having played a frankly embarrassing amount of this game, I definitely have a few ideas for improvements or changes to be added in the future, they're really just ideas that I thought might be fun though. 

-Different sprites and appearances for different age groups. It definitely feels a little weird having a girl who's 28 and has a sprite who looks like she's 11, and it would mean I wouldn't have to check ages for each and every single one of the idols as often as I do now.  It would also be nice to have the clothing available change depending on the policy you choose for their clothes (pants if you choose pants, longer skirts, ect) 

-In the same vein, some form of awareness for the age of the girls would be nice, as you can have 12 year old girls being suggested for gravure photoshoots, and, in at least one dialog event, you can flirt with them. Having the flirtatious options changed or unavailable would be really nice, since as the game stands I just kind of pick the blandest options to avoid accidentally flirting with any kids. T-T

-Reputation and management styles! A sort of mechanic of reputation where depending on your choices, either you or the company gain certain types of reputations (salacious, rude, exploitative, laid back, supportive, ect) which would give you different buffs and effects! For example, if the company gains a salacious reputation, the idols you get in recruitment will be older and have more points towards the sexy stat, and you may even get less idols in the recruitment process. And then for you personally it could effect how the girls react to you, like if you have a good reputation with them you will gain more influence and friendship faster, and if you have a reputation for hitting on idols you may gain it slower. As for management styles, I thought an added policy option might be nice where you can choose to be stuff like 'hands on' or 'hands off' where you get different buffs and debuffs. (like maybe if you choose to be hands on you get higher quality production but it takes longer regardless of who does it, and it would be the opposite if you were hands off) 

-Other than that, I really think flavortext events with different groups having scandals and how we might react or benefit from it, or even the option to poach girls from groups that aren't doing very well (or an option for girls to ask to join your agency outside of recruitment because they decided to leave their group, and what kind of risk you would be taking if you accept them in) This isn't really a huge thing but I feel like it'd make the game feel a lot more alive and less lonely since right now we hardly see anything of any other groups, and it's even less if you don't play story mode. 

These are all things that probably won't actually be added until after release if at all, but I still figured I'd suggest it just to put it out there. Other than that I just wanted to say I absolutely adore this game so much and it brings me so much joy, so thank you. 

(3 edits)

Bit late to the party, but loving the game at the moment - must have restarted at least 100 times by now!!

So just a few suggestions if a sequel (or update) is in the works:

1) For the Idol auditions, attendees' ranks (or at least stats) should be based on how good your company is (or doing). Why would platinum idols want to join a non-reputable upstart company when they could potentially join a more successful competitor? I say this, because sometimes you could get 3 superstars right from the start, and this greatly affects how the early game is played - I think this makes them miss out on how the developers intended players would approach the game.

2) Having the producer/manager (me) be the only person to perform certain jobs really bottle-neck the production process. Having a nobody (or even a regular manager) be in charge of writing lyrics which could potentially make or break the entire company would be in most cases absurd in real-life! Perhaps they could outsource or have permaneant staff to do the job. If an idol has enough experience singing (centering or 2nd row) with a group or they reach a certain level with their vocalist skill, maybe they could be able to submit potential lyrics to the producer - an option regardless of whether they are accepted or not.

3) Also, for mods - instead of parameters like "unique" and the "can_be_hired_again" - make it an option in the settings so players have the choice as a mixture of modders and their decisions can lead to some implementing them and others not...

Been 3 years since the intial post was made and quite a few days since the last post - hope this gets heard (visually, of course!).

Thanks for a fun game!

Is there any way to make stats for a song not extremely low if you don't include all the members from a group? Like if my group has 20 members and I'd like to have a song with 10 members, the stats for the song drop a lot due to the empty 5 spaces. 

Also will things like sub-units, albums, larger amounts of members per song, etc ever be added? Or is the game considered finished atp?

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been playing this quite a lot recently and have really enjoyed it on the whole.

One thing I think could be improved is that the singles once released don't appear to be viewable again. You can see what the lineup was and how well the song did, chart position etc. but you can't see what the genre was, the style, the lyrical theme. (You can only view these when it is in the charts).

Once a song has been selected to be part of a concert you cannot view its demographic appeal anymore when clicking 'add song'.

During a concert, if the background music could change depending on the song/genre being performed that could be a nice little detail. 

The 'No critical failure' card did not seem to work for me during a concert. 

I think it would also be good to have the option of putting certain songs onto an album, so getting the team to write album tracks that cost less to produce but with some singles on there too. This would be a nice occasional addition alongside the elections, concerts and world tours. Maybe even an extra option of 'shooting a music video' for certain songs where you have to temporarily hire a camera crew, director and editor...this could also make the stylists come in to their own and add dimension to their roles and create more things to learn under 'research'.

Occasionally having songs being picked up by advertising could mean extra revenue / royalties from a single after it has been released. 

At the annual awards would it not be slightly more realistic if there could be the possibility of scandals / problems during the ceremony? Also a feature where you have to prep the idols for the awards show and choosing certain outfits that may create more media reaction could again involve the stylists more.  

Also during a world tour it seems nothing can ever really go wrong. There could maybe be small mishaps like arguments, getting held up arriving into a new country... etc.

- - - glitches / bugs / other stuff - - -

There is an annoying glitch during my conversations with idols (usually casual) where I'm getting a flickering of colour on my screen - I know it's coming every time and it hopefully can be fixed.

I noticed that sometimes Idols that have long been graduated can get mentioned when trying to find out who is in a clique etc.

Hovering over the number of fans brings up the demographic breakdowns - could this text not be a bit larger / fill a page like with salaries and contracts?

Being able to change the order of your idols as they appear on the main screen could be useful. 

(1 edit)

...oh and when preparing a concert, if I try to edit the name of the concert and [venue] with the original words there, every letter typed moves the cursor to the end of the text field. 


Add male idols please i would love it at the beginning of the game we could have males or we could have both and then their could be boy and girl idol groups and dating or even secret dating depending on the  policy's and have drama there but I know u are missing an entire fan base cuz I got the game told my friend's about it but they lost interest after hearing their were no Male Idols


I found an error in your coding I believe its because you used [ ] instead of { } but it was on a level 2 date a  and your in the city and it says "Though, maybe it's true that I'm more [highest_looks_attribute] than anyone you've ever gone on a date with."

Can I set birthday for new custom idols?


"unique": true,

"unique_id": "xxx",

"birth_day": "dd-mm-yyyy", <---------------------- like this ***

"intro_message": "yyy",

"value": "platinum"

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