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Advance Quest v0.9

Real time advance wars with an emphasis on quick progression, large scale combat, and turret defense · By BigChunkyGames

Roadmap for v0.9

A topic by BigChunkyGames created Dec 17, 2023 Views: 79
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Developer (6 edits)

What should I prioritize? 

Here is the current  roadmap. Tell me what you want and i'll bump it to the top and work on it next.

- get refund when turning off structure

- new units, artillary

- indicate staying

- destroy all units on hq capture

low impact bugs

- make turret not switch targets to closer structures after player targets structure

polish each level before release

- check that tank cost works with levels

- update difficulty raiting in levelmanager

visual improvements

- make floaty numbers somehow look better being in the same place as the health bar

- rallypoint make nicer dotted line

- player walking particles

- player waves flag animation

- make it so you can see over cliffs

- unit outline through walls

- make city look nicer

- make destructable rocks

![Alt text](image.png)

tech debt

- imported glbs are huge filesize why


- peopl want more control over units

- people want more decisions
- people want the game to play itself less

- people want more unit variety

- people want hero attack

audio loops

- ambient nature

- heroic music

- intense music when hq under attack

audio sfx

- player take damage

- walking around
- unit take damage

- unit shoot

- unit spawned

- unit died

- land in water doink

- money gained

- structure changed team

- HQ captured victory

- your HQ captured loss

- for each control

  - attack

  - defend

  - come

- look at sign (on indicator change?)


- should units go to rallypoint and then go to goto point ? or should they only go to the rallypoint?(current)


- save manager

- levels are locked until you beat th eprevious
- story


- soldier die animation (remove root motion on death)

- knockback resistance (weight)

- units should attack othe runits on their way to attack strucutre override

campaign ai

- when hq takes damage move all units in range to defend

- handle not pathfinding to impossible to reach places like islands


- status

-- unit count and max per team
-- structure count per team

-- income for enemy team

- options

 - master, sfx, loop, audio sliders

 - checkbox player collides with units? (would allow riding on them but not pushing them)


- make player not hideous
- hero active ability


- level transition is laggy why

- restart is laggy

- its much more laggy when lots of units are trying to pathfind to player but cant

- holding shift over a lot of units is laggy because the setter is called each frame

- bake the nav mesh at a better time


- units detector doesnt detect units that started inside

- level transition map didn't go into water

- player didnt go to right  place after starting level from main menu after finishing last level

- handle team 1 captures team 0 structure a little and then team 2 captures it a little and then its immediately neutral

- hq timer starts before level starts

- structure loader UI wraps around and is on screen when player is north and zoomed in

- strucure loaders overlap

unit bugs

- units will path through rocks (this is on purpose?)

- shift f will cause newly spawned units to go there

feature ideas

- collectables?

- day night cycle