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Looking forward to multiplayer!

A topic by Elzipper7 created Nov 30, 2023 Views: 253 Replies: 1
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Heya, dev! 

Game looks ADORABLE! And one of my friends was wanting an MMORPG (or just ORPG works too) that didn't rely on TAB-targeting, so I hope to play it with them. Any idea when multiplayer will be working? I have no idea how much is built yet, so I can imagine it being less of a priority, but I anticipate it eagerly!

I'm planning to try the game out properly once 0.3.0a drops, and I'll most likely be supporting the project, either here, on p@reon, or on steam.

Keep up the fantastic work!


Thank you! For the next build and onwards, multiplayer will be working right out of the box. I've programmed the entire game around netplay, as all the logic for the game is entirely server authority. Only thing is that when you disconnect, all your character data saves on your end locally. Connecting to a game will send your character data over then be utilized as a golden copy by the server.

There's quite a lot that has been added, improved, changed, etc from the last version. I've spent a lot of time to make sure the game can be as fun as it can be after all the wait. Will be putting the game out on Steam later on as well that will be taking advantage of the steamworks library so you can host through steam instead of port forwarding.