My topic is dual subject. hope it is ok looking for friends for learning code especially tutorials and books on code. currently have hackers delight and a book on c. I ask here for some to tell me how to make code for this game i am making. it is listed below any tutorial that will allow its creation would be best appreciated.
It does mention tutorial i am using such as Hero's trail from game maker studio 2 and platformer from Shaun Spaulding.
I made one in game maker studio 2 and if anyone want you can look at it at google drive but it isn't finished. it needs a lot but this is how you make one for future games by genre.
Here is my file and if anyone wants to talk code. I wouldn't mind having someone to learn with??? Warning this only will work on single player games as hackers will make it hard and you must keep up your skills or your game will not sell. Please I need info on how to create code and i am learning at the same time but i would like how add code for cheats and weapon and inventory and counter for ammo. but that is about all this file needs to be complete so have a look and have fun right now it is only one level though.