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General thoughts

A topic by conundrym created Sep 23, 2023 Views: 123 Replies: 1
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MZ user here. I've been incorporating this into my personal project recently, and have been enjoying the streamlined simplicity. There are a few specific things I'd like to know, if anyone who may have worked on it would feel inclined to answer.

One thing I was wondering was if there was any way to edit the starting position of the player ship, whether it be through the native plugin configuration or the Javascript file itself?

In a similar nature, could the the overall bounds of the playable area could be edited? The player can noticeably leave the visible area on both the leftmost side and top of the window. 

I've looked for documentation on how one would go about tweaking these smaller factors to suit their individual experience, but most of what I can find is very minimal. Thanks in advance for any help.


Good day, thanks for trying the plugin!

You can modify the bounds by editing the updatePosition function under the "Sprite_PlayerShip" class.

You can edit the starting position for the playership in the createPlayer function under the "SpriteCore_StarBattleField" class.