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FREE Sound Design/Scoring

A topic by Syncraftian created Sep 23, 2023 Views: 111
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(3 edits)

Hi all,

I am new to, and I'd like to extend my services to creating SFX/music for any indie video games, I've never done this before but I am building my portfolio up for when I finish my course to hopefully become a full-time musician (or if not do it on the side and pay some debts). I reckon my skills are best in horror or sci-fi but you might see something I don't!

Here is my music: I like to upload my work-in-progress tracks
Plus a peak at my release coming up this Halloween:

The first developer to come to me I will offer my services for free as I am excited to see what I can do for you and how I feel about doing this in the long term.

I think the best way to contact me is via discord #Syncraftian

Here is a compositional work I did for my uni course