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Package conflicts with an existing package?

A topic by Angel created Sep 22, 2023 Views: 302 Replies: 2
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So I'm just getting back to checking on updates for various games, and seeing I've missed a few updates here and there. My version for this game is 3.2a on my android. I've tried updating to a current build but keep getting an error saying the package has a conflict with an existing package which prevents it from updating. I've noticed it with another game, but so far it's only been 2 games out of 5 that I've tried updating today... I'm unsure what the cause is, let alone how to fix it.

Just checking back, and seeing more posts with similar (if not the same) issue. I also noticed something while clearing out old data that the new update is almost half a gig smaller than the newest update... I can understand maybe removing old junk data after all the changes, but that seems like a rather huge difference. Hopefully this gets noticed and the next update is fixed?

(1 edit)

or not. Just noticed the file size has actually decreased again from 0.34 to 0.35... now 0.35 isn't even a whole gig by itself? What's going on? And it still has the issue where it cannot update due to package conflicts?