"In Moonlight" (WIP) is a visual novel set in an alternate universe/world where anthros lived and humans did not. Portals open randomly and a few humans are pull into this world every year. Main character is one such human, he meets the 5 potential male love interests in the first few days and then route is chosen. Bad, good, and best endings depending on choices. Bonus epilogue for the best ending. Most routes about 1/3rd done and 75K words total so far.
Looking for an artist to rev share on project for characters, CGs and ideally backgrounds. Wanting characters to be a bit less cartoon and more fur covered anthros/furries. Have ideas on character design but want to collaborate with the artist for final looks and feedback on story.
tldr; LF artist for nsfw anthro/furry male/male VN
contact me here or moonwolfgames.com