I would really appretiate feedback on my new game Solar Diver. It is a 2D Action Space Game inspired by the the flash games "Toss the Turtle" and "Learn to Fly". It was originally made for a Game Jam, and has since received extensive updates.
In addition to any general feedback, I'm interested in specific feedback on the Leaderboard:
- Does the Leaderboard load correctly in your browser/computer? The Leaderboard Service I'm using is currently in Beta, so I would like to know if theres any problems with specific browsers/computers. You can navigate to the Leaderboard from the Main Menu Screen.
- Is your score being submitted Correctly? For this one, please choose a Highscore tag name on the Main Menu Screen, and then play one round of the game. Then, post this Tag/Name and Score in the comments and I will check the backend to see if I can see your name/score.
- Alternatively, if you enjoy the game, you can also try to get a Highscore and see if it displays on the Leaderboard. This should take 20-30 minutes of playtime.
Thank you for any help and feedback provided!
Roaming Maelstrom
Additional Game Link: https://roaming-maelstrom.itch.io/solar-diver-game
Some Screenshots