Hi guys I’m a sound designer recently qualified from university and looking to participate in some game jams. I’d love to lend my expertise in sound design to a group! I’ve included my portfolio - https://youtu.be/EQ8AU8rXZ-U?si=qUJvRyuNdBF9IRAv
An example of a game level I did sound design for - https://youtu.be/YFCLhLTlbq0?si=xoqcjZVS0H-_1Z-N
A bonus Vader/rogue one scene I did sound and music for in a university project - https://youtu.be/SS1qgoWxe_c?si=p3oZGCNl1y997Fpy
I also sell sample packs on the Unreal marketplace, Unity asset store and my own website. Feel free anyone to reach out if you’re in need of a sound designer. Thanks!