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Adventure - my first browser-based text adventure game!

A topic by enigmabrand created Aug 08, 2023 Views: 65
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A text adventure game in the classic sense, updated for modern sensibilities!

You appear in a forest but can't remember anything from before you awoke here. After exploring a bit you learn that you're on an island. And that something is amiss.

There are others here too, but they can only remember bits and pieces of their lives before they found themselves here.

Why are you and the other inhabitants here? Where exactly is here? Why can't anyone remember anything? What is that feeling of dread you feel deep within your gut when you look at the black mountain towering over the forest in the center of the island? How can you escape?

Explore the island, talk with the inhabitants, discover the hidden truths, and learn the truth behind what exactly is going on. Will you be able to discover the true ending? And don't forget to touch every cairn you find to save your progress!


This opensource game has been available on github pages for a while but I finally got around to hosting it here so more people can enjoy it. I'm pretty proud of how it all came together in the end. I built the game engine myself using javascript.

If you enjoy it (or even if you played it at all), let me know! I love hearing from people who enjoy (or hate) my stuff! :)